Are central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) the future?

A handful of events and trends over the last few years have put the future of finance into sharp focus. First there was the rise of cryptocurrencies – digital currencies based on a decentralised system of recording and verification called the blockchain. Then there was Covid, a global pandemic that forced many businesses and consumers […]

Obtaining Low-Cost Funding: Internal and External Alternatives

The role of a CFO (or indeed any finance professional) is complex and multifaceted, but if the role were to be boiled down to a two-word description, it would perhaps be this: finding funds. Managing money is easy… when you have enough. But for any number of reasons, a CFO will regularly need to source […]

Why Bank Relationship Management Is Your Ticket to Financial Compliance

The modern executive must arguably be more accountable than any before them. The need for effective regulation of markets, financial and otherwise, was laid bare by the GFC, and governments around the world have used the intervening years to ensure that executives face comprehensive regulations, and often harsh consequences if they fail to abide. With […]

5 Problems CFOs Can Solve by Replacing Manual Processes with Automated

The Cost of Manual Process in Financial Teams, and How to Fix Them? The CFO is no longer the ‘Ringo’ of the C-suite, drumming in the background while the other band members accept the applause. In recent years, as information has become both more valuable and more abundant, CFOs have found themselves very much on […]

Why Is It So Hard to Make Global Financial Forecasts?

From Weather to Money Markets: Why Predictions Are ImpossibleDespite all our technological breakthroughs, why can’t we humans predict the weather more than 10 days in advance? And why can’t we predict what global money markets – systems we created ourselves – will do in the next 24 hours?For international businesses, cash flow projections are to […]

How can you future-proof the financial organisation?

While some countries are still going through the critical stages of fighting the Coronavirus pandemic, in many parts of the world preparedness for the second wave and formulation of strategy to cope with the new reality are evident.  Companies are now in a race to automate and digitise processes, and to deploy various tools that […]

Can businesses help each other in such turbulent times?

We believe so. We all see an abundance of work from home tips for individuals; we’d like to focus on business financial capabilities that are essential to the resilience of the company. Straight to the point, how can we help and to whom? How Can We Help?  In a nutshell, Certomo is a B2B SaaS, web-based, […]

Can financial forecasting be made less manual?

Financial planning and forecasting

When putting together next year’s business forecast, there are key elements the financial team must factor in. Other than the obvious labor wages and cost of raw materials, there are variables that can impact your ability to forecast accurately. Weighing in such factors as a fluctuating US currency and its implications on the cost of […]

Open Banking for my financial treasury teams?

Before diving into the benefits of this banking revolution and how it can improve our day to day operations, it is key that we understand what open banking is about and why it is changing how businesses are conducting their financial planning. What is Open Banking?  Open banking is a secure and modern way to […]

Managing your risk and planning into 2020

Financial forecasting

Running a multi-currency business with its short term and long term investments involves management of multiple bank accounts at a number of international financial institutions. These are some of the challenges your organisation may be facing when weighing up your risks for the coming year. As international trade grows to scales unimaginable of 124 trillion […]

Closing the financial year just got easier

Closing financial cycles

Closing the financial year can be made easier with real-time cash management. It is that time of year when you gather around your staff and ask to make things straight. You ask this as you know that in order to close the year, you and your team will, in synchronous, be scrolling up and down […]